Jun 7, 2013

Chasing Francis by Ian Morgan Cron: Book Review

Chasing Francis:  A Pilgrim’s Tale
Ian Morgan Cron

Chasing Francis is the fictional account of a wildly popular pastor of an evangelical mega church who one day lost his lid.  He awoke one day to find that his religion seemed to be less than the “real thing.”    He felt like his faith was quite suddenly shallow and lacking a solid foundation.  This surprised him, left him perplexed.

“I’d considered myself one of the privileged few the heavens had endowed with a perfectly true compass…… one day I would see the boxes neatly checked off next to each of my life goals.  I liked myself a lot.”

 His pat answers no longer satisfied.

“Now I’m the one who’s thirsty….. and the Jesus I’ve known for 20 years isn’t making it go away.”

This Pastor took a sabbatical and visited his uncle, a Franciscan Monk in Italy.  This led him on a pilgrimage through Italy, chasing St. Francis of Assisi, eager to learn everything he could about St. Francis.  And he shares it all with us.  It's amazing.

What’s ironic is that this is exactly how I was feeling when I agreed to review this book.  And I think a lot of evangelicals are beginning to feel this as well and that, my friend, is called “Post-Evangelicalism.”  The previously unnamed cry of my heart I will now call Post Evangelicalism.

I finished this book at the top of a mountain,
3800 feet above sea level,
and thought it was going to change my life entirely. 

And it did.
Until I descended the mountain. 
Real life infringed and stuffed me back in my little box.  But I think I will break out and let this book transform my life for real.  Soon.  Tomorrow.  Or maybe next Friday.

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