We dilly dallied around the capital and the Smithsonian for the day, attended a NASA Tweet-Up at the NASA HQ and found ourselves starving, ready to eat at 6pm and all the local restaurants closed. Closed! At 6 pm. How odd!
So I asked the NASA HQ security guards where we could find a place to eat......
and they recommended, wholeheartedly: Phillip's. Phillip's Seafood turned out to be exactly what we needed after a day of sightseeing in DC. We were hungry and exhausted and our feet hurt. We needed to sit, relax and eat.
Phillip's is right on the Washington Channel on the Southwest Waterfront and serves a buffet with everything you can imagine on it. Some of my party wanted seafood and they got it. I wanted beef. Strong, sturdy, life-giving beef. I found it.
They let us take our time. They let us occupy a booth for hours. They freakin' loved us! And that's just what we needed after a day touring the city!
This is part of my party as we left:
Click here for menu and directions to Phillip's.
My other posts on Washington, DC:
Why are we going to Washington?
Washington or Bust!
DC Cupcakes
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