We took the kids on a celebratory Ski Trip this past weekend
and met up with my family along the way for some fun, family reunion style. Late one night, Mom dragged us down to the motel's game room and began to hustle us. For example, when the balls were still racked, she asked how we can hit them through that triangle thingy? And when she began to play, Dad gave her some advice as if she had never played before.

As we realized we were being hustled, Marj took her namesake on in what has become the Great Marjorie Face Off of Twenty Eleven. Yeah. It was that big.

Marjorie the Second took the first several shots, ending her run with a jawed ball, then Marjorie I took control of the count, alternating the draw, bank and feather shots, playing the bed like she was tickling ivory. She's got a sweet stroke.
Single elimination resulted in a new mug at the table, Flash. I knew we were in trouble when I saw his face during the opening break shot:

This was the ending scene as I left. Marj II was taking care of business.
"You weenie. That's my grandaw you're hustling."-

1 comment:
That's my Marj always sticking up for me. What a fun night that was 'cept when Robby beat me-------hey ya gotta "let" the "guy" win girls you know that!
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