The telephone rang loudly in the middle of my quiet afternoon. "Hello?" I answered groggily. The little princessy high-pitched voice I've come to love said, "Pookie?! Can we come clean your house today? We have our own stuff so can you please just get your house ready?"{{warm, fuzzy smile}}}
"Sure! I'll get my house ready." I glanced around at the mess all over the place. "No problem."-

Within ten minutes the little silver car was zig-zagging up my long driveway which indicated a 5 year old Princess was at the wheel. She slammed it into park, marched into the house and began unloading her cleaning supplies from her backpack. What in the world did I do with that magic wand? I-I was sure I...

~ Now , let's see. . . There's the large carpet in the main hall- Clean it! And the windows upstairs and down- Wash them! Oh yes, and the tapestries and the draperies... And don't forget the garden. Then scrub the terrace, sweep the halls and the stairs, clean the chimneys. And of course there's the mending and the sewing and the laundry... Oh, yes, and one more thing. See that Lucifer gets his bath ~
Pay no attention to HER.
It's only Cinderella.
But then she heard a noise upstairs. In the studio. Giggling. She smelled paint fumes! Salaga-doola, menchika-boola, Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo. The cleaning supplies were jammed back into her backpack as she ran up to the studio and convinced Uncle Tommy and Eden to "invite" her to paint with them. Your Majesty, I see no point in beating about the bush. I regret to inform you, Sire, that the young lady has disappeared, leaving behind only this glass slipper.

So this is what makes life divine. I'm all aglow...
Why, it's like a dream. A wonderful dream come true!
Yes, my child, breathless, I reached the top of the stairs, but like all dreams, well, I'm afraid this can't last forever. You'll have only 'til midnight, and then...
"Your cleaning is all finished? That was quick."
A pretty plot for fairy tales, Sire. But in real life, oh, no. No, it was foredoomed to failure.
Failure, eh? Ha-ha! Take a look at that, you pompous windbag!

A dream is a wish your heart makes when you're fast asleep. In dreams you will lose your heartaches. Whatever you wish for, you keep. Have faith in your dreams, and someday, your rainbow will come smiling through.
No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true.
I was going to ask you to send Cinderella to my house but forget it I can see she gets distracted easily! So cute Val, those grandkids can think of the greatest reasons to visit grandma, love it!
Im not gunna ask for much---but I really could use a good dusting lady!! Actually shes just too cute too get all dirty.
well, i'm glad my room us being used as a studio.
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