Oct 18, 2010

I'm Lovin' It?

I'm Lovin' It !!

McDonald's is in the thick of their 2.4 billion dollar plan to change the way you think.
Are we really that sheepish? Have they really been in charge of my thought process all along?
I had an original thought back in March of '09 when I invented the McDonald's Enduro.
It appears that McDonalds knows that I've grown up. My love was fickle and my heart now belongs to Starbucks and McDonalds is feeling a little cuckolded. They're thinking maybe it's a McDonalds Mid-Life Crisis. Like maybe... if they shape up.... start paying attention to their aging looks..... maybe I (and a couple billion others) will come back.
First, said McDonalds-Europe's chief brand and strategy officer and COO Pierre Woreczek, "the giant clown and prefab furniture has to go." *
I so wish I had been around the conference table when he said that. Men and women in power suits around a large conference table towering over, maybe London or Paris, talking strategy that involves terms like "the giant clown."
OK, but what else? The giant clown can't be our only downfall.....
Manicured fingers tapping solid oak table.... tap, tap, tap.... think... think... ixnay on the ownclay. What the heck else can we do with a 2.4 billion dollar campaign? They did what everybody else did.... joined Twitter (Meet the Tweeps!!) and Facebook.
Then one day, perhaps one of the McDonald's Chief Executive SomethingorOther 90-lb never-eaten-a-big-mac-in-her-life ladies in a power suit was walking through Grand Central Station and saw something like this:
... Slapped her head and thought, "That's It! We have to change that image!" The Lifetime McDonalds customers, such as myself, who grew up Lovin' It are giving the place a bad image.
And so, McDonalds invested 2.4 billion into changing their image. Now, much more appealing, they look like this:

But guess what? I don't have 2.4 billion to invest in changing my image. I'm stuck with the long-term result of yesterday's "I'm Lovin' It" McDonalds. I've got the 50 extra pounds tarnishing my image. It's not their fault I gained weight, I know that. I believe in personal responsibility. But still. They can so easily change their image! I feel like I'm stuck in the FAT position and that stupid little clown is mocking me. He's still skinny! Some of you remember my excitement when I really thought I could lose weight and still go to McDonalds.

McDonalds set out to change the way I think and they certainly have done that. I think they're right, it's about stinkin' time I quit eating fast food and get serious about my health. To do that? Woreczek's right:
The giant clown has to go.
* Big thanks to Fast Company's Oct. 10 issue on the Masters of Design. I read the Woreczek quote in Ben Paynter's excellent article about McDonald's Make-Over. It's a great read, I encourage you to check it out. (He was not snarky)


Anonymous said...

DONT FORGET----Mcdonalds was your first employer!!!

Jen said...

You're right the clown has got to go! If only I were afraid of clowns. That would make it so much easier!!!!