For The Frugal Senior Citizen: The Well Stocked Purse
OK, let me just get this over with.
OK, let me just get this over with.
- I am not trendy.
- I am not fashion driven.
- I am way too practical and - worse - boring!
I am admitting to all this just to make the following confession:
I only own one purse at a time.
-I know that's not how most women feel. I didn't always feel this way. I use to love to have multiple purses and switch them out. That part of my life ceased about the time I broke my leg and/or when menopause hit. (Can I say menopause in Valerie's blog? We'll see if that gets by the censors.)
When I broke my leg, I did a fabulous job. Ended up on crutches off-and-mostly-on for the next 2 1/2 years. You know what? You can't really carry a purse and use crutches at the same time. Oh, sure, if I were younger and more coordinated, I'd have found a snazzy little backpack for the duration. Frankly, just getting from here to there on the dratted crutches was more important at that time than carrying a purse.
Somewhere in that time span (I don't forget the "M" factor going on at the same time -- what does that have to do with anything? If you have to ask, you are too young for the answer), I lost all interest in cute purses.
Just give me something that can hold the basics and has just enough little compartments so I am not hunting for my cell phone, checkbook, wallet, pen and so forth. Once I get a purse all set up, I am content to leave it alone until the purse gives out.
I don't like to carry much in my purse. I do have a bit more than Jim's mom did in hers. She had tons of Kleenex and her wallet and that was about it.
I have been watching senior citizen women for the last decade or so with awe at their ingenuity. And I've come up with a list of MUST HAVES for the frugal Senior Citizen.
1. Kleenex. OK, Jim's mom had the right idea. She didn't have one of those fancy little travel tissue packs or cute little containers for folded tissues. Anybody and everybody near her knew if they needed a tissue, Becky could supply one.
2. Zip-loc bag. The expert at this was Aunt Helen. She never left the house without at least one little (or maye not so little) baggie in her purse for any and all leftovers at lunch. She said they were for Uncle Bob. I have no clue if Bob ever saw all the Olive Garden breadsticks Helen took home! She only took the extras from our own table, though those left on all the tables around us probably looked pretty good, too.
3. A tiny pair of scissors. (The more observant readers will notice I've pictured the scissors in all three positions so you can see exactly how they operate)
As you get older and your hands are not as strong or nimble as they use to be, it's nice to be able to whip out a pair of scissors to slit open a package of ketchup. Not sure if they work on butter packages. What kind of glue do they use to seal those buggers?? Oops, not a good word to use when you're talking about food. If you want to safely carry little snips, you might want to select a folding pair of scissors. These little cuties belonged to Jim's dad, who used them for his needlework. I don't think I would try to get on a plane with them, but in a purse, out and about town? Just the thing to have.
4. A tiny wee little purse sized roll of duct tape. OK, I made that up. But I think it's a good idea and someone should market one small enough to fit into my purse. If anybody sees one, please let me know!
A SAD FOLLOW UP: I told you I would get back to you on the woodchuck/juicy fruit gum trick. I know two people who have tried this gimmick. Neither of them had any success in getting rid of their critter. If anybody has any suggestions that do not involve guns, please post them on this blog.... pronto! By the way, anybody need gum?

...and one more thing......
uh, I'll get back to you when I remember it.
The Cheap Senior Citizen is a Guest Writer who occasionally shares helpful hints she has learned through her experience.
uh, I'll get back to you when I remember it.
The Cheap Senior Citizen is a Guest Writer who occasionally shares helpful hints she has learned through her experience.
And Lisa just threw out several purses today and is now down to TEN, why would ANYBODY need TEN purses! I carry a tad more than the frugal lady but not too much, too heavy for an old lady's back.
Anyone NEED a purse??? I have several to get rid of and have 10 more. I will be on the look-out for another one this week-end at the Southern Womens show.
Your blog on purses couldnt have come at a better time.
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