OK, my hungry little readers, we did it again . . .

This little, sweet thing is now my favorite cupcake.
And no, I'm not a creamsicle fan with all these warm, fuzzy childhood memories of creamsicles. I was skeptical right from the start. Creamsicle? How cliche -- the old person wanting a happy little memory from his/her childhood. But I tried the creamsicle for Tom S and Steve H, both of whom are creamsicle fans. The creamsicle flavor is all in the icing. It is served on a vanilla cupcake and we think that is the secret to making it so good -- the icing has so much flavor, it has to be balanced out with a plain cupcake. There are little bits of orange candy scattered in the icing with an orange gumdrop on top. Delish! Want to kick it up a notch? Pair it with a chocolate drink like, oh, hmmm... say..... an iced mocha from Starbucks, conveniently located next door.-
Jen had the double chocolate lemon. See our previous review of it here. It was a little too sweet for Jen. She suggested it was the "double chocolate" that was too much and perhaps she would like a single chocolate.
Believe it or not, we have found a cupcake we don't like. Read all about it, here.
Creamsicle is now my favorite, but click here to find out my previous #1 favorite, now dropped to #2. Click here for the Cupcake website, current daily flavors and locations.
And EMMA wasn't with you?!!!! Creamsicle is her favorite flavor, I'll have to have you bring her one next trip up.
That cupcake sounds scrumdidalyumptious! I wish they had a cupcake shop around here...or maybe not...would gain another butt cheek.
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