My new zoo, Emma Mae's Zoo,
will make people talk
My new zoo, Emma Mae's Zoo,
will make people gawk.
At the strangest,
odd creatures that ever did walk.
They'll be so surprised
they'll all swallow their gum
They'll ask, when they see,
when my strange animals come,
"Where do you suppose
she gets things like that from?

"...Her animals all have such
very odd faces-
I'll bet she must hunt them
from rather odd places!"

I'll get for my zoo a new sort of hen
Who roosts in another hen's topknot,
& then
Another one roosts in the topknot of his,
And another in his,
and another in HIS
And so forth and upward and onward,
gee whiz!

And that's what I'll do,
Said young Emma Mae Maslar,
If you want to catch beasts
you don't see every day,
You have to go places
quite out-of-the-way.
- -

You have to go places no others can get to
You have to get cold
and you have to get wet, too.
I'll load up five boats with a family of Joats
Whose feet are like cows',
but wear squirrel-skin coats,
And sit down like dogs,
but have voices like goats -
Excepting they can't sing the very high notes.

I'll hunt in the mountains
of Zomba-ma-Tant
With helpers who all
wear their eyes at a slant.

And capture a fine fluffy bird
Called the Bustard
Who only eats custard
with sauce made of mustard.

Up past the North Pole
where the frozen winds squeal,
I'll go and I'll hunt
with my Skeegle-mobile
And bring back a family
of What-do-you-know!
And that's how my New Zoo,
Emma Mae's Zoo
will grow!

"It's a pretty good zoo,"
Said young Eva-boo
"and my girlfriend who runs it
seems proud of it, too."
But if Eva ran the zoo,
the New Zoo,
Eva Boo's Zoo,
She'd see to making a change or two.

"So I'd open each cage,
I'd unlock every pen,
Let the animals go
& start over again."

This Zoo Keeper, new Keeper
is simply astounding!
She travels so far that you
think she would drop....
When do you suppose
this young lady will stop?
Young Emma Mae's made her mark
She's built a zoo better
than Noah's whole ark!

If I ran the zoo,
the New Zoo,
Emma Mae's Zoo
I'd bring back the sea lions
& replace the kangaroo.
(Riverbanks Zoo has recently relocated our sea lions and rebuilt their habitat for wallabys.)

Thanks to Riverbanks Zoo for yet again another wonderful time.
You need to put this in a book!!! Very cute!!
With you around we'll always have Dr. Seuss! Cute blog today.
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