Our big week went by fast.
-Rene' and I began our Spring Break, much like one three years ago, with an Easter sunrise service. Tom escorted us to Mt. Hermon Baptist Church where we sang in the sunrise and then we all went inside the sanctuary for a full, nearly 2-hour service, much to our surprise, which included communion and a candlelight portion, very creative and beautiful.

Here we are back at my church a little later on after morning worship.
Coupla beauties, we are.
and .....

Here we are three years ago at the Easter sunrise service in Hawaii. I know. We look just a tad bit happier in Hawaii, right?
Hawaii, besides the obvious advantage -- being Hawaii -- was an incredible sunrise service because
- sunrise was on the ocean
- the service included baptisms
- baptisms were in the ocean (!!)
- palm trees surrounded us
- praise team wore leis and moved in a slow hula, incorporating sign language, it was beautiful
So anyway, this year, after our morning service, we took our annual family photo in front of the cross, all dressed up in our Easter duds. Tommy was at Eden's church, so we had Robby stand in for him:

A few days later, I found the following on my facebook page, Tommy inserted himself back into the photo:

Good going, Tommy. Now if he can just morph in Cousin David, the family would be complete.
I'd love to be at the one in Hawaii!! You are so spoiled.
Ruth, you're hilarious.
Historically, David has never had the need to paste himself in. But the times.... they are a-changing. He better learn photoshop. (or come visit me)
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