-Guest Writer: Ruth Morse
When the Cheap Senior Citizen's cute and adorable inlaws (pictured above) retired, they began cutting every single paper napkin in half. (Grrrrr, yes! Blog Owner remembers those!)
Have you ever tried to wipe your face and hands on half a napkin?? It was not pretty. She thought her father-in-law's idea was pretty dumb. 29 years later, in her own retirement years, suddenly the Cheap Senior Citizen embraces the frugality of using only half a napkin. However...
She still thinks cutting little paper napkins in half is dumb. The Cheap Senior Citizen's alternative? A modern upgrade to her inlaw's idea: Repeat-Use Napkins!
It makes much more sense to use napkins 3-4 times rather than cut them into quarters, right?! You just leave it on the table by your placemat, or in the living room, or in the den on your handy dandy TV tray. Of course, the house does look a bit messy - if you are a neat freak, this helpful hint may not work for you. But if you can stand a few crusty napkins sitting around, you can save mega bucks! Tried and Proven!
Helpful Hint #1. You need decent paper napkins. If your package of 2539 napkins cost 99 cents, forget this money saving tip. Those so-called napkins don't get you through half a meal. If you buy Bounty* napkins, you can save in the long run by multiple uses.
Helpful Hint #2. The Cheap Senior Citizen does NOT suggest you share napkins. That's not what she means by "more than one use." One person, one set of germs, one napkin, multiple times.
Helpful Hint #3. If her meal contains sloppy stuff, the Cheap Senior Citizen might fly in the face of her new regulation and throw the wretched mess away, but if you just have a sandwich and wiped hands once? SAVE IT! SAVE IT! SAVE IT!
Helpful Hint #4. The Cheap Senior Citizen doesn't require guests to save napkins. It would get ugly if she had to put a guest's name on the used napkin with a Sharpie and then find the semi-used napkin the next time said guest was to visit.
The Cheap Senior Citizen will no longer refer to herself in the third person. She apologizes for the annoyance this has caused. Her editor took some liberty in an effort to refine her and she hates to complain, but.... it's annoying.
....and one more thing......
uh, I'll get back to you when I remember it.
The Cheap Senior Citizen is a Guest Writer who occasionally shares helpful hints she has learned through her experience.

....and one more thing......
uh, I'll get back to you when I remember it.
The Cheap Senior Citizen is a Guest Writer who occasionally shares helpful hints she has learned through her experience.
*The Cheap Senior Citizen did not receive any compensation for said endorsement of Bounty napkins.
I remember those days and I STILL don't cut my napkins in half. I like "cheap senior citizens" ideas though.
I just get too many at T.B. dont use them all and then take them home. They r a little thin tho!
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