Christopher Robin makes a very exciting announcement - they are going to go an an Expedition! Pooh is thrilled to hear that they are going on an Expotition, because he's never really been on one of those. Christopher Robin says that the Expedition will be to find the Carillon Assisted Living, which is just a thing where you discover Nana, no more explanation needed than that really (Pooh has asked for enlightenment).

Christopher Robin explains that all the animals will be going, Pooh and Rabbit and Kanga and everyone, because an Expedition really means a "long line of everybody".
He tells Pooh to make sure the others are ready, and that they all bring Provisions with them (things to eat, Pooh, things to eat).

So off Pooh goes to round up the others for the Expotition, and the first person that he runs into is Piglet. Pooh tells Piglet all about the Expotition and how they are going to discover something (Pooh seems to have forgotten on the way over).
Piglet is immediately worried that they might discover something fierce, but he calms down when he finds out that Christopher Robin will be there to protect him should the need arise.

So now all the animals know about the Grand Expedition, and after they have gathered neatly together at the top of the forest, they all set off. They are all there - Christopher Robin and Rabbit are first, then Piglet and Pooh, then Kanga and little Roo and Owl, then Eeyore, and a long line of Rabbit's friend-and-relations right at the back.
(Rabbit insists that he didn't invite his friend-and-relations, they just sort of turned up, like they usually do.)

They are all walking along to discover the Carillon, and Pooh is making up a song about the whole affair, when Christopher Robin says "Hush!", because they are just coming up to a Dangerous Place.
And Pooh says "Hush!" to Piglet, and Piglet says "Hush!" to Kanga, and Kanga says "Hush!" to Owl (while Roo says "Hush!" quietly to himself), and Owl says "Hush!" to Eeyore, and Eeyore turns round and says "Hush!" in a scary voice to all of Rabbit's accumulated friends-and-relations, and all of Rabbit's friends-and-relations turn round and say "Hush!" to each other, right up until the "Hush!" reaches the very end of the line.

Meanwhile, Christopher Robin at the front of the Expedition has spotted a twisting stream with high rocky banks, which is very dangerous indeed. "It's just the sort of place," he explained, "for an Ambush."
"What sort of bush?" whispered Pooh to Piglet. "A gorse-bush?"
"My dear Pooh," said Owl in his superior way, "don't you know what an Ambush is?" "An Ambush," said Owl, "is a sort of Surprise."
"So is a gorse-bush sometimes," said Pooh.
Pooh now understands too, and says that if an Ambush is a sort of surprise then a gorse-bush surprised him once when he fell into it (presumably Pooh is referring to the incident in chapter one where he falls out of a tree).
Owl asserts, once again, that they are not talking about gorse-bushes, but Pooh says that he is, which is true.
Rabbit and Christopher Robin have wandered a little way up the stream to have a private conversation, because Christopher Robin is not entirely sure what a Carillon would look like if you were standing right in front of one, and he wants to ask Rabbit's advice. They both say that they used to know, although now they've forgotten.

Now that is sorted, they rejoin the other animals.
All the animals try to think of something to do to help, some with more success than others. Piglet's idea is to pop out and make Booo noises,
Rabbit says noises doesn't strike him as being immediately helpful, and Tigger is twittering on about what to do when a Sudden and Temporary Discovery occurs. . . Lexi finds the Carillon!
Christopher Robin isn't paying proper attention though because he is staring at Lexi, who is still popping out and yelling "Nana! Nana!" Christopher Robin asks Lexi how she found Nana, and Lexi says that she just found a place, any place, and Christopher Robin announces that it is not just any place, it is the Carillon!

Christopher Robin tells Eeyore that Lexi has very cleverly found Nana!! Eeyore isn't overly impressed, as you might have expected, but he does say "Well, anyhow - it didn't rain", which for Eeyore is verging on ecstasy.
The animals all pop out together and Christopher Robin writes out a notice to remind others that it is the Carillon and that it was discovered by Alexa.
Tune in tomorrow
in which Christopher Robin Gives Alexa a Party.....
YOU, my child, are a NUT!
I see that gram is in her usual setting,zzzzzzzzz! I know she had fun tho,hehehhe.
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