"So, have you started writing your letter to yourself yet about how you can achieve your short-term and long-term education goals?"
"No, I'm confused. When President Obama visited our class, I was trying so hard to differentiate the good advice from the socialist ideology that I missed half of what he said."
"I missed his speech altogether! I had to sit in the closet with the other kids whose parents objected to it."
"He talked a lot about our government's responsibility for setting high standards and how we have to support our teachers and principals, we have to show up to school and pay attention to our teachers.
"Oh, you mean even the teacher who dared a student to eat a dead fly in order to get an A?"
"Or like the Florida teacher who resigned this week after giving students alcohol and the keys to her SUV in which they later wrecked?"
"Not to mention we've had 4 incidents of 'inappropriate teacher involvement with students' in the past year in Aiken County alone. You know teachers are getting busted all over America every week for that. We aren't even old enough to talk about most of the cases."
"I guess if that 6 year old boy in Denver had listened to his teacher, he wouldn't have gotten duct-taped to his chair."
"Or maybe Obama meant we should listen to teachers like the one in Mobile, AL who was arrested for food stamp fraud?"
"Have to admit teachers today with their pay-for-performance and bogus testing are redefining the "school-to-prison pipeline."
"Do you think Obama wants even Denver students to listen to their teachers? 53% of their schools are on watch or probation and almost 7,000 students in the city opt for schools other than the public schools?"

"They're even accused of setting up dummy classes to give an appearance of high enrollment so they can receive more funding."
"Funding! Don't even get me started. Hawaii's public schools cost $5 million a day to operate. $5 million smackeroos! To cut costs, they are canceling some days, bringing their operating days down to 163 from the standard 180. Cut education, not cost, right?! Works for me."

You mean like the NY public school where a nurse accidentally gave two students who didn’t sign up for it the swine flu vaccine. One had epilepsy and ended up in the hospital.
"Or like the Beaumont, TX teacher who just last week was arrested and found with drugs and guns or the PE teacher in Mobile County who was arrested for DUI on her way to work at 8:00 am or do you mean the VA teacher who was arrested after a child overdosed on drugs at her house?”
That’s nothing compared to this -- Obama has appointed Kevin Jennings as “Safe School” Czar in the dept. of education. Jennings worked for 20 years to get pro-homosexual propaganda in schools.
He now brings the term “Safe School” to mean something entirely different than Reagan intended. More and more schools are adopting homosexuality and transgender topics for elementary school children and denying parents rights of consent or an opt-out provision.
And I suppose we’re not supposed to listen to our teachers when they pray in school like the ones in FL that were arrested in August?

“Oh Mr. President??!? Your closing question seems a little daunting:
'So today, I want to ask you, what’s your contribution going to be? What problems are you going to solve? What discoveries will you make?’
"We're kids, KIDS! What do you think we can do against government beaurocracy, the ACLU and the ever-declining public school system you so highly esteem?"
Love this one Val, you're a hoot! Didn't realize what deep discussions those kids had; I need to listen in more and get educated. Cute as well as educational blog AND you made my courtyard look like a botanical garden, good going!
This is really cute Poof!!
U outdid yourself on this 1.
Nice! (insert the FB 'like' button here so I can click it!)
So Poof, tell us what you really think. I always knew you were smart....
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