It was, as you see, a tea party. - -
The girls loved playing in the doll house with Eva's new doll house furniture.
Eva celebrated her fourth birthday this past Saturday night. I was with her before the event and was by her side as she nervously watched for her guests to arrive. Her mommy let her pick out what party dress to wear and how to do her hair, it was going to be a fabulous party!
Guests came from near & far, some even bringing their silkiest of all Bears. The buzz of excitement filled the air.
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Guests came from near & far, some even bringing their silkiest of all Bears. The buzz of excitement filled the air.
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It was, as you see, a tea party. - -
A tea party fit for a Princess.
A tea party fit for a Princess.
Princess Marian enraptured all with her tales of daring rescues by brave knights.
Moving beyond the tea, this was a "decorate your own cupcake" party, too. Christina started out slow, but don't be fooled, she got progressively more aggressive as the candies passed by.
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This is what I like about Emma. Emma's full-out. Whatever she does, it's full-out. It didn't take long for her cupcake to have every treat offered piled on.
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... here's my favorite part . . .
she graciously signaled Alexa that she (Alexa) had a little sump-sumpthin' on her nose. Very discreet & all, like "Pssst, Lexi, might wanna wipe that bit of icing off your nose..." Look at Lexi. She's thinking: "Y'gotta be kidding me. Look at the icing on your own face, sister."
The girls loved playing in the doll house with Eva's new doll house furniture.
. . . but the greatest moment of all was . . .
. . . but the greatest moment of all was . . .
When Uncle Tommy showed up.
(don't he look good!?)
Oh... & did I mention
--- -- Cousin David was there?
Sounds like so much fun!!!!
cousin david is everywhere of course he was at evas b-day party lol tell her HAPPY BIRTHDAY
It was such a sweet party and the kids just had a ball, decorating the cupcakes "took the cake", so cute! Patti's a wonderful Mamma. Cousin David will drive a long way for a cupcake that's fer sher!
awww my baby aint a baby no more!
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