- Who can take a nothing day,-and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile?
Well it's you, girl, and you should know it
So it's my sister's birthday.
And as she spends her time looking to the future, looking forward, always striving.....
I'd like to spend some time in reflection, looking back.

To all the sisterly things we've done together, all the ways she's been a great older sister....

To all the sisterly things we've done together, all the ways she's been a great older sister....
Like here with our Kool Aid stand. She's in the middle, short brown hair with me by her side with the same oddball face I still make.
She just cracks me up. Always. We just spent a weekend in FL and I spent the whole weekend laughing HARD. Even her emails make me laugh.
Even her hairstyles have made me laugh sometimes. Oh Stop It. You know this one was pretty funny, we all looked funny that decade.

Now this one's a nice one, I didn't laugh at this one, OK? But the sweater, well that was a different story. I can't remember what was so funny, but the day she wore that sweater to my steak place in Gatlinburg, we laughed so hard we cried. Anyone remember that story??
Now this one's a nice one, I didn't laugh at this one, OK? But the sweater, well that was a different story. I can't remember what was so funny, but the day she wore that sweater to my steak place in Gatlinburg, we laughed so hard we cried. Anyone remember that story??
See? I bet you're laughing. All three of them look like they're laughing so hard, they have to go to the bathroom.
See? I bet you're laughing. All three of them look like they're laughing so hard, they have to go to the bathroom.

Lisa's supervising Grandpa Furman opening his Christmas present and making the face he always made while opening presents. Uncle Doug is slowly nodding off and there at Lisa's waist, do you see what I see?
Yep. Cousin David.
Well, sis, you know I love you. Thanks for always being my older sis. (see... that same oddball face I make!!!grrrrr!!) Isn't this much better than any old Hallmark card?

Well, sis, you know I love you. Thanks for always being my older sis. (see... that same oddball face I make!!!grrrrr!!) Isn't this much better than any old Hallmark card?
Yep I remember the sweater deal, an "OLD" lady at the next table had the exact same sweater on, don't know why that struck us so funny but I can remember that night too, gosh I haven't had a laugh that good in years. Happy birthday to my eldest 'tho I cannot believe I have a "child" nearly FIFTY!!!!
I really like your blog today girl.
ITS ALL ABOUT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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