. . .The Class of 2009.
Marj is middle row, farthest on the left, right over Logan's shoulder.
"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go."

Although Graduation is a week away, we have had a couple of awards ceremonies and the seniors have been released from the final week of classes.
Marj received the Kathy Rawls award for outstanding female athlete.

Awards ceremonies are fun because you find out people's real names. Like Cody, here, what a surprise to find out his real name. I'm not going to pick on him here, you can read the check for yourself.
Here's Mr. Smith presenting Marj with the Spencer C. Smith FFA Scholarship. Marj was the last baby when Mr. and Mrs. Smith retired from the nursery. They have a special relationship.
Here's Marj receiving the Army's Scholar Athlete award, awarded to one female and one male (Jon Holsenback).
Beyond these, Marj is a recipient of the Life Scholarship, the Dollars for Scholars Scholarship & the Coach's Award for outstanding leadership in both Volleyball and Softball. Guess what her major is going to be..... Sports Management.

Here's Mr. Smith presenting Marj with the Spencer C. Smith FFA Scholarship. Marj was the last baby when Mr. and Mrs. Smith retired from the nursery. They have a special relationship.

Here's Marj receiving the Army's Scholar Athlete award, awarded to one female and one male (Jon Holsenback).
Beyond these, Marj is a recipient of the Life Scholarship, the Dollars for Scholars Scholarship & the Coach's Award for outstanding leadership in both Volleyball and Softball. Guess what her major is going to be..... Sports Management.
So I'm thinking now is a good time to reflect a little. Celebrations are all fine and good, but graduating is also a time of goodbyes and here's somebody Marj is going to miss a lot. OK, two somebodies.... but Cody has joined the Navy and will leave in August. That will be a tough goodbye for a lot of us, especially his sister.
But let's not get all teary-eyed, let's look back thru Marj's high school pictures . . .
Jon always, always wanted to ride in the back of the police car. It really busted his chops to see Marj back there cruising out the school parking lot.
Jon always, always wanted to ride in the back of the police car. It really busted his chops to see Marj back there cruising out the school parking lot.
Yes, definitely a lot of learning going on in those classrooms.
Lots and lots and lots of learning . . .

Lots and lots and lots of learning . . .
Morgan & Marj ain't skeered when we went to the scariest school in SC. These kids were rough, tough, city kids, rumored to chew your head off and spit it out. And we weren't scared.
Morgan & Marj ain't skeered when we went to the scariest school in SC. These kids were rough, tough, city kids, rumored to chew your head off and spit it out. And we weren't scared.
Not one bit.
Marj: "Yeah.... someday maybe you can be like me, B."
"Dahling..... here's to the rest of our lives!"
"So...be your name Buxbaum or Bixby or Brayor Mordecai Ali Van Allen O'Shea,you're off to Great Places!Today is your day!Your mountain is waiting.So...get on your way!"
"Dahling..... here's to the rest of our lives!"
"So...be your name Buxbaum or Bixby or Brayor Mordecai Ali Van Allen O'Shea,you're off to Great Places!Today is your day!Your mountain is waiting.So...get on your way!"
quotes from Dr. Seuss, "Oh the Places You'll Go"
Congratulations to Marge!
Well done Grandaughter, so proud of you.
Way to go Marj!!!
This is my niece, oh yea,!!!!!
Follows in my footsteps fer sure,(ha--ha)
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