Feb 23, 2009

Mii & Mii Wii Little Family






& the rest of Mii Wii little family. . . . .
- Marj & Tom


Patti & Tommy . . . and . . .


- -

. . . Eden.




Anonymous said...

Loved the Wii people. I think I would make myself taller, younger, thinner if I were re-creating myself. Is there software for that?

Anonymous said...

WOW - you and Tom must be rich if you could afford to buy a Wii game. Guess I better be more kind to you guys in my comments on your blog and maybe then you would include me in your will. Wait a minute, I have to be 20+ years older than you as your mother and I were born in the same year. Since I will most likely leave this world before you that means I can be my same old grumpy self!!

The Seeker said...

Awesome! Almost life-like...

Poof said...

Driftwood - would that make it a WIILL? I crack myself up.

Anonymous said...

Oh Poof,

You Wiill go on and on and you Wiill crack me up.

Wiill you stop, please!

Anonymous said...

Now that you have a Wii I'll probably be down to visit you more! I'm quite good at the downhill so please get Wii Fit!!
