Tom & I have decided to give this ol house one more chance to shape up, doing a lot of renovations and home improvements in one final attempt to make this old house nice. We can sell it soon and build our log cabin, so why not spruce it up a bit?
We brought in the big guns.
The Pro.
The Queen Bee.
I gave my old pal, Chris Fraser, a call. Chris has style and vision. She can spruce a place up & she'll do it right. I mean, she'll force you to do it right. There are no short cuts with Chris and definitely no tomorrows. Do it now, do it today. She immediately came over, looked thru my paint samples and sat down to work her mojo.
Tom was fine with it & suggested I might like to get a French Maid outfit to go with it.
I fell in love with a girly shower curtain with high heels, purses, dresses, etc all over it. So we ran with it. My soap dispenser is a little black dress! I can't wait to have a bubble bath in my new bathroom.
Here's Chris selecting the right hardware at our neighborhood Lowe's. We spent 6 hours shopping for the right parts. 6 hours, people. I'd have quit a lot earlier and saved some for another day, but that's not Chris' style and that's not why I hired her. Ooops. "hire" is such a strong term. She was more like a volunteer or a sargeant.
Now the thing about Chris is She has her boundaries. She draws her lines. She instantly gave up 8 hours of her time - or more? - and was patient and loving with me, creatively leading me away from the Plum and Purples and 1950's aqua, but look here - where is Chris when the rubber meets the road? Do you see Chris, 'cause I don't.
I see me. Me painting. Me painting alone. Me workin' my mojo. Chris' mojo was home in bed or something.
Well, a long time later, the place is primed. Now I'm handing it over to the professionals. Garry's going to come in over the holiday and finish her up for me. See? I learned something from Chris.
PS. Look what I found at Lowe's -- a spice rack cabinet, built in, on rollers, how perfect is that? That's what I want in my log cabin.
No really Val, what shower curtain did you get?
She's looking a little pekid and tired in the Lowe's shot. Were you getting on her nerves?
I hate to tell you this BUT all the shows on TV say you better get rid of that pink in your bathroom if you expect to get top dollar for your place. The experts would tell you that you would more than recoop the expense of redoing the pink. We sold our house in 5 days so does that make me an expert or what?
Why yes, I was tired, my mojo was runnin' lo!
Jim. You're so dissin' my pink tiles. By the time we sell the house, they'll be back in. Hot. Haute. Something.
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