Nov 11, 2008

And The Band Played On

We've given Marj a lot of grief about being in the band. I have boasted about her cowbell skills and boasted about her bandemonium boredom, but I haven't yet mentioned that she really does play a "real" instrument, the bells. Here she is, in action. She even had a bell solo.

Our marching band went on to state competition this year. Our band has gone on to state many times, but this year was especially hard on them since the band was so small.

So...without further adieu.... Live from Greenville, South Carolina....
The State Marching Band Competition:
Isn't Jon the cutest line-leader you've ever seen?

Here, this is a better shot of him:

Sisterly love for the band!

This next picture is perplexing. If you have any ideas what's going on in this photo, please leave a comment:

Guess who else went with us . . .

On the ride home, I realized she is going to be as smart as her mommy.


Anonymous said...

The older more mature sister is telling her baby sister that you have to eat a lot of bananas to keep her potassium level up.

Anonymous said...

WOW Val, you must be waiting at your computer with baited breath for me to make a comment so you can publish it just to show the world how smart I am. THANKS

The Seeker said...

No, the older more mature sister is telling her baby sister to pick up her trash!

Poof said...

Not to burst your bubble, Drifty, but I'm not waiting on pins & needles, I've stopped moderating my comments, giving you free & immediate reign. In my efforts to be in alignment with our new government, I am being less conservative and discontinuing my practice of censorship. Let the people speak.

Poof said...

Although, Drifty, don't misunderstand. I am, of course, always excitedly anticipating your comments & eager to share your brilliance with the world, as I'm sure the whole world is reading along.

Anonymous said...

With Tom S.leaning so far left he fell overboard I hate to see you become less Conservative. I hate to tell you this but being politically correct is actually being incorrect.

Anonymous said...

Whoops I better check my typing better. The name should have said DRIFTWOOD

Anonymous said...

Having all boys, I know that if one were holding a banana peel next to another one (pick any's all the same) the word monkey would be bandied about in some context....but, being girls, I assume that proper nutritional advice is being given.

JMaslar said...

Hi Poof,

You are brave giving up the moderation aspect for comments. I will keep it onmy blog just in case Driftwood should show up.

Poof said...

Well, yes, a lack of censorship will probably lead to degradation. But I am more afraid of ftiftwood than driftwood. Ftiftwood seems to have a chip on his/her shoulder. Perhaps Ftiftwood is Driftwood sans caffeine or Driftwood on a diet or something.

Marjorie said...

Excuse me?? Older, yes. More mature?? I think not. And if you'd like to know the truth, she found that banana peel on Dad's car floor and it stinks. She was threatening to put it in my face and I was like, "Oh no honey child." plus it stunk.
See there she aint more mature than me she threatens me with old banana peels.
all yall r wrong.

Poof said...

Marj's blogpost in her defense: