Before leaving Los Angeles, Tom dragged me into town to eat at the world famous dive: Pink's.
Tom chose an L.A. hot dog joint and a San Francisco burger joint for his must-see destinations. - - Surprised, anyone?-
So we got to Pink's, leaving a minor collision involving a convertible BMW in my wake, I handed my keys over to the parking attendant and we went to get in the one hour wait line.

While waiting, I marvelled how easily I turned our car keys over to the "parking attendant." [wink wink] Wait a minute. A crappy outdoor hot dog stand has a parking attendant? I tried to grasp my stupidity. I rushed back to see if our car was still there and it was. He really was the parking attendant for a crappy outdoor hot dog stand.
Summary: The outdoor wait was aggravating, the
service was cold (think: Soup Nazi) and the hot dogs were terrible. {{{{{{shudder}}}}}}
So we drove up the PCH (have I mentioned that?) and the first place we hit in San Francisco was Joe's Cable Car Burger Joint. My expectations were low. Joe had his Christmas lights up already.
I got the terriyaki 4 oz burger on toasted English muffin (preparing for my europe trip). It was outstanding. I'm craving one now as we speak. I vowed to go back, but didn't. (was sidetracked by the Gherribaldi Cafe')
Tom got a 6 or 8 oz burger which you can see in the very top photo. (see lust in his eyes?)
My fave: check out his vanilla milkshake. To die for. It came in the silver thing to his left. That was the best vanilla shake I've ever had. The location wasn't great or close, so I never made it back for more.
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