It was dark the other night at 7 pm and we were all so surprised. - - - -
Where did the summer go??
I'll hush my mouth and let you decipher these summer memories all by your very own self.
- - - - - Well. . . .
. . . . Except this first one.
Eva learned to spell "Pookie!!!!" (that's me)

and of course, I had to include
cousin David, who seems to get in
all our families pictures.
So glad you included David. I look for him in any family pics.
And what kind of golf courses do you grow in SC?? It looks like Fred Flintstone's planned it. Yabba dabba doo!
I agree, where did summer go? Lex loves seeing her Daddy in the pix, and my fav pix is you & Eva sitting on the deck reading--that is too cute! :)
Hey, where is my picture? Wasn,t our summer memories good enough to make the pictorial?
Sometimes I just wish the paparazzi would stop following me.
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