Let me tell you something, those ponies were mean. Mean. I was thrown so many times. Let me tell you something else, I thought those girls were the coolest of the cool. The Jones girls. Man, they were everything I wanted to be, see how deliriously happy I was even though I knew I was riding a mean pony and was about to get thrown again and they'd all gallop off without me again until the girls finally looked back and found my pony trotting along without me again. But I thought they were cool. Now, I'm looking at this picture, and I have to wonder: what was up with those glasses? Did I not see those glasses? Those glasses are a drag on the cool chart, if you know what I mean.
BTW those Jones girls are still awesome - missionaries, pastor wives, really chic ma's and grandma's, I still wanna be like them when I grow up.
BTW those Jones girls are still awesome - missionaries, pastor wives, really chic ma's and grandma's, I still wanna be like them when I grow up.

I'm a little older now and it's Christmas. I'm the one on the far right thinking what I was going to blog about that moment. I was so far ahead of my time. I still have that look on my face, don't I, when I'm in a crowded room and longing to be off writing. And what was Grandpa doing back there anyway, sneaking up to pinch David's butt? I never thought I'd say this, but: Lisa looks like the only sane person in the bunch.
-PS - nice pants, David, you still have those?
-PS - nice pants, David, you still have those?
Goody. Now I have my own cowboy hat to fly off my head when I fly off the ponies. Somebody was really thinkin' with that one.

I just have a couple things I have to say here. First, David, what's up with you? Why are you in all my personal family memories? You're such a photo hog. Secondly, what's up with tinsel? Why did people think they needed to put tinsel on their Christmas trees? And if you had to have tinsel, why would you put it all on one side of the tree? I know mom did it. She wouldn't let us touch the tinsel. She had to put it on, one strand at a time. Not "one clump", one strand.
-- -
- --
I might have had some wacky ideas in my life, but you notice I'm not alone
in them. I'm the one in the chef's hat. That's Rene' holding our delightful concoctions and David holding our accessories. They are both still huge influences in my life, pretty cool. That's the David who was navigating all the Starbucks along my route home from Iowa. And that's Fernay of Twitter fame. BTW, she and I will be attending a bachelorette party Wed. August 13. Can anyone say "Mama Mia?" Rene' - you have to see the movie to prepare. But watch out - it's a musical. Gag me. Totally.

- -
Now it's a few years down the road and look at me! I got me a husband. They said it'd never happen, but I sure did. And look at him - what a hunk. A real babe. I wonder if he knew 23 years down the road I'd be his real, live employee and he'd be bringing me coffee.
Fast forward ten years and it's my
surprise 30th birthday. (Wonder if I'll have a surprise party today???!!!!!)' (JEN) (she's meeting me at Starbucks while Ross cooks us diner)

And aren't those NY parks something? No canine defecating on public property. How nice.
Wanna do something fun? Scroll back up the page and compare our legs to those in the chef's hat picture. We're right on schedule in the aging process.
I'm just glad I'm all grown up now and don't look like such an idiot all the time. (No, Connie, that nose didn't come with the glasses.)
I hear ya Steve: "Happy Birthday, Poofie Woofie." Why, thanks, bro.
Good grief! David IS in every single photograph? Did he just live at your house or what? I thought he was at our house at least some of the time!
Is he in any of the Furman family photos? Something is wrong here....
Happy Birthday, Val. Love your blog---check it about every day.
Happy Bday, Poof! Lexie loved seeing her Daddy in EVERY single pix of you!!! Plus, she really loves the glasses at the end of the blog, she wants to see it again & again & again!! Have a great bday!
Happy Birthday, Poof! Guess I am in alot of your pictures, kind of makes you wonder if maybe they were really taking a picture of me and you just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Hmmmm...
Lisa the sane one, wow who would have ever thought that;)
By the way when is Broadstreet Consulting going public? I want to get in on that early, I can sense a sure thing.
Happy Birthday again!
What a great life you've had girl but what's with David all along the way he isn't your brother! Happy happy birthday. This is my birthday song it isn't very
Yes,poof you DO have some wild ideas. You really thought that I looked sane for a minute somewhere back in the dark ages. That is so kind of you! You really have to dig pretty deep to find these lovely pix of Deedah. And the HUNK that you married,is that really him in those pix,WOW what a keeper. The glasses,those are also a keeper,(even the nose,I might would even keep that. I am really enjoying your storeies every day,keep up the good work,and,
Wow! Just reading ALL those STORIES makes me FEEL old!
By the way,for all you folks out there I AM the only sane 1 in the bunch!
Love ya Poof,
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