This post is to sum up the rest of our Boston trip. Here's Patti and Eva switching trains in downtown Boston.....

Later in our week, we toured the UConn school of law. The UConn campus is absolutely beautiful. The buildings all look like castles. Of course, you can see that Eva still preoccupies my line of vision even amidst the architectural wonders. . .

And here, what's this? ... a Jackie O. sighting??? No, silly, it's just me.... freezing my tail off in downtown Boston while we walked block after block after block looking for a decent restaurant.

Eva and I did not attend many of the school tours. We usually found a playground or took a nap; however, at Quinnipiac in Connecticut, we decided to follow "mama" on her school tour. Shown below is Eva deciding that she is ready to start her law school education. See, she can sit still.

And now..... Grampsy's turn to babysit . . . walking across the Commons, going towards the Beacon Hill area.

Don't they look like Bostonians already!!???? And . . . if you could see me now.... don't I look like a forlorn mama already???? The closer they get to Boston, the closer I get to... insanity...

Fly away little birdie of mine.... fly away......
1 comment:
How fast time seems like only "yesterday" when we were visiting your NJ townhouse and Patti was getting rewards for doing her business! Now, she's making you sad and proud as she continues on the path of her life. If her thoughts take her North, I'm sure you'll be spending much more time up there than you ever thought you would. :-)
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