University City Branch Library
5528 Waters Edge Village Drive, Charlotte
Opened February, 2025
University City Branch Library
5528 Waters Edge Village Drive, Charlotte
Opened February, 2025
Daylight was barely breaking as I crossed the Saluda and was full blinding me by the time I crossed the Catawba. Charlotte traffic was mild at 7:30 on a Saturday morning.
With time to spare, I pulled into Starbucks. With the creamy caramel sliding over my tongue and with my magazine before me, I opted for my phone and jumped on Facebook.
And there it was: Shine on my beautiful child. A message from mom in the form of an ad. That's SO perfectly something she would say, I could hear her voice in my head. It took my breath away.
I accepted the words. Had she been here, she would have spoken them. Now that the shock and disbelief have passed, the tremendous longing for her is intense.
Does she know I'm shining on? Does she know we are soldiering on? Does she know I feel her love and pride every single day? She left me such a treasure. ❤️
Is anybody else uneasy with John Lennon's song Imagine being sung at Jimmy Carter's funeral?
Jimmy Carter lived a life of service to the Lord God of Heaven, the maker of Heaven and Hell. He spent his life preaching that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. He very seriously believed in Heaven and Hell and worked diligently to spread this knowledge to others so he would in turn see them in Heaven.
This song is the opposite of what Jimmy Carter believed and I think he would have been very sad to hear it song at his funeral.
He did not preach for people to "live for today," he preached for them to live for eternity.
Singing this song at his funeral seems insanely reductive to his life of preaching the gospel:
"Imagine there's no heaven
Sitting on a swiveling chair, I so casually said "My mom died this year," and I added "Unexpectedly" as if that explains everything.
The doctor glanced my way and, upon some mental calculation that I was not breaking apart, turned back to her computer. I can see her thinking... Okay. Mom's dead. Let's check that off our list.
I wanted to grab her sleeve, her sparkling white medical coat, her RUXINGX Smartwatch constipated with its information of her steps, her heart rate and her deep sleep patterns.
"No!!" I wanted to say. "It's not a box to check on MyChart that will spread out among states and doctor's offices.... blood pressure is good, weight is high, mother died, no allergies to drugs. "
"No, I beg you, this is important." I want to explain. "I haven't taken a breath since the end of June."
The doctor examines me. " Let me listen to your heart," she says, pulling out her stethoscope and squinting her eyes. She pats the examination table, "Hop up here."
Yes, an examination table, I think. That's what I need. Listen to my heart. It broke June 18th. It was in a slow decline for a week and then boom, broke, just listen!
I breathe deep, several times. She listens and nods accordingly, "Yes that's good!" she nods.
"No!!" I want to scream. "Don't you hear? Nothing! Nada. Empty heart. Didn’t you hear me?? My. Mom. Died.
I can't say this. My voice catches in my throat. My body betrays me and seizes up.
"OK then," she helps me off the table like I'm a tottering old woman.
"See you in six months!!" She cheerfully smiles. I am speechless. Really? 6 months? I'll be better? Six more months without my mom and you think I'll be fine.
I tuck the appointment card in my purse and hope.
So. I crossed the N. Edisto and much later, the Saluda and Broad, hung a hard left and later crossedtheCatawba at 751 feet above sea level in search of CousinDavid.
The bright hot white light in my eye was borderline painful, there was no color kaleidoscope from the refraction of instruments or scrubs. This was cold and harsh, bright, dramatic and imposing, hostile.
I felt no euphoric relief from the IV, just a sense of impatience running through my veins .
"You're doing great." The surgeon would try to speak soothingly. He would quietly request an instrument or firmly issue a directive focused solely on the eye before him, the eye that would sob hysterically in the motherless recovery room
The nurse responds to the anesthesiologist as they discuss Christmas plans.
I cannot possibly hold my eye open with that bright beam overhead. I'm sure I'm not doing great, just great.
The nurse pushes my cot through the halls to the recovery room. I want to scream as we pass the prep rooms just to scare the patients about to endure this. I think it would be funny. I resist the urge but grin nonetheless.
The tears explode fast in recovery when my body reconciles debilitation and my motherless status.
Mom. I want my mom.
I whisper it and gasp with the shock of the reality that I won't ever see my mom again in Earthly form.
The nurse runs to my side anxious, confused
"What's going on?"
"My mother died recently," I tried to say, "And she was always here for me." The lack of her presence at my recovery takes my breath away.
The desolation of nothing but bright light followed by the desolation of a dark client empty recovery room was too much.
I broke.
The nurse wheeled me out to my daughter's car, Marjorie, my mother's namesake. Her eyes melted with compassion, "What," she whispered.
"I miss my mom."
She nodded, reached over and tucked my loose hair behind my ear and slid the car in gear, wiping a tear from her eye. "Let's get you a Starbucks coffee."
Mom always got me a 3 Musketeers bar, but... OK!
I slide the old timey large, dark sunglasses on over my bandages and accept that I'm the old person now.
I'm in the passenger seat of a '93 silver Chevrolet pickup truck with the wind blowing my hair into my eyes and my dad beside me, hands firm on the wheel.
So... I love Valerie Bertinelli's new cookbook called Indulge. I made three of the recipes this weekend and had some friends over for an outdoor picnic under the fairy lights. Very much Indulge style.
Pretzel Buns.
I strongly recommend. These are easy to make, but time consuming. Detail oriented. Caution: eat them fresh from the oven. They are unbelievably good at that point. When I served them 7 hours later? Not so tasty, kind of bland. And that is precisely when my guests ate them. Then I froze them and ate one the next day. Ugh. Hard as a Rock.
I will definitely make these again, many more times, but I will serve them freshly baked
Homemade Cheeze It's.
I also definitely recommend these. They are so good. But again they are best when they are freshly baked. However, not so bad the next day too.
Blistered Green Beans.
Amazing!! All of my guests wanted the recipe. I will be sending it to them. However you, my friend, will have to buy the book. Or check it out at your local library. I checked it out at the library first to make sure I liked it and then I went and bought it.
I very much recommend this book and this is not a paid sponsorship. Indulge is a lifestyle and not just a cookbook. It is so good.
Muah, darlings. Go ahead... indulge.
So I know what I want for my birthday....